
En 2023, les relations se complexifient avec le temps, et il peut arriver qu'on se pose des questions à savoir qui devrait faire le premier pas ou encore s'il faut absolument répondre rapidement lorsque notre fréquentation nous envoie un message. Les règles non écrites de l'amour ainsi que des rendez-vous galants sont de plus en plus confuses pour les célibataires des temps modernes.

Avec l'évolution des rôles traditionnels au fil des générations, il devient également difficile de savoir qui devrait payer lors d'un premier rendez-vous ou même s'il existe une limite de temps avant de s'aventurer vers une première relation intime.

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Ghosting is the Irish exit of modern-day dating, and while it is an easy no-fuss way to stop seeing someone – it's not the most mature option.

If you've been living under a rock or just had incredible luck in the dating scene, ghosting is when someone you're romantically involved with just stops answering your calls or texts instead of breaking things off.

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An Ontario musician is in hot water after allegedly finding a woman from Bumble on Facebook and bombarding her with voice notes and messages, and many others are chiming in to say it's not the first time he's done this.

This article contains content that may be upsetting to some of our readers.

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Summer has finally arrived in the city, and it's time for Toronto dates that make your love life sizzle.

Toronto date ideas can get expensive, so between the fancy dinner dates and cocktail bars, you need to sprinkle in some fun, cheap dates that won't break the bank but will bring you closer.

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Who should pay on a first date?

If you asked this question in the '50s, I'm sure the resounding answer would be the man should always pay, but the answer isn't so clear in 2023.

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