
Ghosting is the Irish exit of modern-day dating, and while it is an easy no-fuss way to stop seeing someone – it's not the most mature option.

If you've been living under a rock or just had incredible luck in the dating scene, ghosting is when someone you're romantically involved with just stops answering your calls or texts instead of breaking things off.

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Dating may have changed in the last decade, but class never goes out of style.

Proper etiquette is to be courteous, kind and respectful, but what's appropriate when it comes to dating in a modern world where traditional roles don't matter as much?

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Going on a first date can be intimidating and stressful, but imagine flying to another country for that first date and being ghosted by the person you went to see.

That's what happened to an Australian TikToker who says she flew to Bali to meet a guy she'd been talking to online. However, not only did he ghost her, but he was also on the same flight as her on the way home!

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If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault, call the Assaulted Women's Helpline at 1-866-863-0511. You can also contact support services for male survivors of sexual assault at 1-866-887-0015. If you need immediate assistance, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital. Support is available.

You can review your UberEats order, landlord and pretty much every other experience in your life, so why not the men you date?

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People, more specifically crushes, are complex creatures that make it hard to determine what's brimming under the surface of their black stares and daydream sessions. When you're emotionally invested small things can easily be blown out of proportion or your love goggles might be blinding you from glaring truths. 

So if you're totally crushing on someone and you've made the move from normal conversations to flirty interactions, only to be met with an awkward phase of WTF is going on... we're here to tell you that you might have just reached the danger zone of the relationship.

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