Why It Takes 24 Years To Afford A House In Canada & The CRA Is Coming For Influencers

Episode 2 of Now On Narcity is live for your ears!

Why It Takes 24 Years To Afford A House In Canada & The CRA Is Coming For Influencers

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The second episode of Narcity Media's new podcast, Now On Narcity, is live and ready for those ears of yours.

Join your hosts Brit, Lea, Tyeler and Cormac to hear about the weirdest and wildest headlines tearing through our site this week.

In This Episode

Each week you can get hyped for our recurring segment, Shot & Chaser, where we fire off some of the most unbelievable headlines of the week followed by quick reactions from your hosts. This week's roster is a doozy, and you better believe Doug Ford made the cut.

Next, we dive into an exploration of Canada's least affordable cities. Spoiler alert: we're all doomed.

Then, we dig into what making money on TikTok looks like for Canadian influencers, how we're the forgotten land when it comes to the creator fund, and how leggings and feta cheese are the currency of our time.

Ending with what we're looking forward to in the coming week (and what we hope is coming in the next week… Netflix, if you're listening…), we've got a lot to unpack and we want you on the barstool next to us while we talk it out.

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