These Are The Most Annoying Airline Passenger Habits & Seat Swapping Didn't Make The List

You don't want to inspire a viral TikTok!

Global Staff Writer
A passenger on a plane reading a magazine.

A passenger on a plane reading a magazine.

Has another airline passenger ever done something to get your blood boiling on a flight?

Or worse, have you been the cause of a major argument on a plane?

It's possible that you or that other person broke one of the unwritten rules of air travel and common courtesy. And while that might not seem like a big deal, you definitely don't want to be that person who inspires a viral TikTok rant.

Narcity spoke to William Hanson, an etiquette coach who teaches an online course in the topic, to find out the rudest things you can do on a flight, and you'll want to make sure this doesn't describe you.

Hanson was quick to point out that "people's tempers tend to be slightly shorter up in the air than on the ground," and that "you've got to remember it's not a private jet."

He then delved into the most common mistakes people make on a flight, and you might be guilty of some of them.

Reclining the plane seat

According to Hanson, the rudest thing a person can do is recline their seat without checking what's happening behind them.

He pointed out that the person behind you might be eating a meal, using a laptop or even laying down on their table for a nap. That means that if you recline your chair without warning you just might upset whatever they're doing.

People should "have the courtesy to turn around and check" what's going on behind them before reclining their seat, says Hanson.

Rushing off the plane

Next on Hanson's list of annoying travellers: the people who get up from their seat as soon as the plane comes to a stop.

According to Hanson, this is another very annoying and distasteful move travellers make when on a flight, and they should simply remain seated and wait their turn to leave.

"When you land, and the moment that that seatbelt sign goes off, people will rush up, push and jostle other people, bags get flung in other people's faces, elbows go flying, and if everybody's trying to do it, it's generally very, very unpleasant," Hanson added. "It achieves nothing, and it delays everyone getting off."

Hanson recommends that you be patient, don't rush and respect other passengers' personal space.

Taking your shoes off

The other big travel "no-no" is taking off your shoes and exposing your smelly feet to the rest of the plane passengers.

"It's not great in an economy setting because you are closer together, even if you don't have particularly smelly feet," Hanson explained. "If you have really smelly feet, and you know you know you do, regardless of whatever cabin you're in, please keep your shoes on."

Hanson has a solution for those who hate keeping shoes on for hours on end: bring slippers to change into. Hanson says that's a far more acceptable and courteous move to make while on a flight rather than having your bare stinky feet out.

Using the washroom like you're at home

Last on Hanson's list is proper use of the airplane lavatories.

Hanson wants to remind people that this is not the time to whip out your phone, scroll through social media, or do your entire beauty regime.

"Keep it short," says Hanson. "Keep it as short as possible because, obviously, there are only a couple of washrooms on a flight, and there are a lot of other passengers."

Keep these travel etiquette rules in mind the next time you board your flight, and you'll be a model passenger!

Sameen Chaudhry
Global Staff Writer
Sameen Chaudhry was a Staff Writer for Narcity’s Global Desk focused on TikTok drama and based in Toronto, Ontario.