A Lotto Winner In BC Had To Re-Check His Ticket & His Heart 'Skipped A Beat'

"I was sitting at my desk scratching the ticket and was leaving a voicemail message for my wife"

Lottery winners in B.C.

Lottery winners in B.C.

A lotto winner in B.C. had to check his ticket a second time, to make sure he had actually won a hefty $675,000 windfall playing Set For Life.

The lottery winner and Coldstream resident, James Arthur, bought the lucky winning lotto ticket with his wife and was actually leaving her a voicemail when he discovered the big win.

"I was sitting at my desk scratching the ticket and was leaving a voicemail message for my wife. I noticed in game five I had three cash prizes and I had to check it again," Arthur said.

Of course, he was excited about the big news, after confirming it.

"My heart skipped a beat," he added.

Arthur told his wife, Laurie, the big news and then they told the son together — who was skeptical. Laurie told BCLC that he didn't believe them at first.

"We asked him to come over right away and I think he thought perhaps someone had passed away… but once we made it clear we won the lottery he was so happy for us!"

Luckily everyone was safe, and it was a celebrity invitation!

As for what they're going to do with the new riches, the couple told BCLC that they are planning to use some travel, and have already celebrated with a nice dinner out. They're also going to share some of their winnings with their son.

Laurie added that it "feels wonderful to win."

The couple bought their winning ticket from Kirby’s Kiosk, at the Polson Place Mall in Vernon.

Morgan Leet
Morgan Leet is the Travel Editor for Narcity Media focused and is based in Vancouver, B.C.