He even posted footage of the two talking after the game.
Johnson's fun did not end there. He was able to meet star striker Diego Costa as well.
That's all good and great. It's endearing to see a former athlete reach fandom levels of admiration for athletes, especially when it's in a different sport. However, it's what Johnson did after he met some of his heroes that has everyone talking.
The former Cincinnati Bengal decided to head to the club while he was in town. Being a celebrity of his stature, Johnson did what one must while at the club: he partied in his own VIP section. While there, Johnson went ahead and pulled off the ultimate flex anyone could have imagined: Johnson ordered a bunch of McDonald's into his VIP section.
Can you imagine? You're partying in the middle of the club and all of a sudden you turn around and see this?
It is going to be hard to top this. Other celebrities ought to take note: spend your money on McDonald's rather than a bottle at the club like Chad Ochocinco.
Naturally, the Internet had a field day with this.
As hilarious and impressive as this move from Johnson may be, the guy has pretty open about his love for the golden arches for quite some time now.
We're confident that Orlando club had not seen anything happen in their VIP section quite like that.
We'll be sure to keep an eye on Ochocinco's escapades whether fast-food is involved or not.
He did post this interesting tweet last night as well:
Miami soccer fans, keep your eyes peeled as Napoli ought to be in town next week. You might just catch Chad Johnson nearby with a McDonald's bag in hand.