A TikToker In Calgary Revealed What Surprised Her About Canada After Moving From South Africa

It's more than just the cold weather!



A TikToker who made the move to Canada from Cape Town, South Africa is getting real about what she wishes she had known before the change.

Selebogo Theledi is an international student in Calgary and is sharing some insights into her new home that will probably help some other people out there know what they're getting into.

People in the comments are feeling for her, especially when it comes to the cold weather. "I would freeze," one person said. Given Alberta's chilly temps and seemingly endless snow — it's understandable.


Three things I wish i knew before moving to Canada as a South African babe🤷🏾‍♀️ #threethingsiwishiknew #internationalstudentscanada #southafricanincanada #fyp #calgaryuniversity #springishere2023

Winter in Canada

First up on the list is perhaps what Canada is known best for — its freezing cold weather. "The first thing I wish I knew is what I was getting myself into with this weather," Theledi said in the video.

What can really prepare you for an Alberta winter though, aside from a wild amount of layers and penguin walk tutorials?

Theledi toughed it out though and gave a little speech that all Albertans need to listen to before winter comes yet again.

"You just have to be okay. Put on your thermal, put on your jacket, and you fight through that -25 / -30 winter."

That should be the motivational quote on every Albertan's bathroom mirror.

Cost of living

Even though Alberta is known as a somewhat cheaper province, Canada's cost of living is still an adjustment.

"I kinda knew what I was getting myself into but guys I didn't know it was this deep. With inflation, in this economy, guys it's just hella expensive," she said.

"That's why you see a lot of local and international students working part-time and studying full-time," she added.

Individualistic vs. Collectivist mindset

While Theledi explained that back home there was a "'I scratch your back you scratch mine' type of energy," her new home is different.

In Canada, you're on your own more.

Canadians are friendly

Although the TikTok wrapped up after three points, Theledi told Narcity yet another thing that took her by surprise.

Another thing she said she wished she had known before moving was how friendly Canadians are. Although she already had a sense of this, it was more than she realized.

"I did not know they were super friendly and polite, Canadians are always saying sorry and there was no need to apologize," she said.

You really know you're in Canada when people say sorry after you bump into them.

Morgan Leet
Morgan Leet is the Travel Editor for Narcity Media focused and is based in Vancouver, B.C.