service industry

A British TikToker made a skit calling out the American service industry culture by comparing it to how things are done in Europe, and basically everyone who has seen it prefers the European way by a landslide.

TikToker Andrea Celeste posted a video comparing a visit to a restaurant in the U.S. versus the U.K., and it's accumulated more than 1.4 million views.

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This Opinion article is part of a Narcity Media series. The views expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Narcity Media.

At restaurants, people can act so strange to their servers and bartenders, but you can't forget about the people who begin your entire dining experience: The host and hostesses. When I worked as a hostess in the industry, patrons' erratic behavior seemed standard.

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A server in Los Angeles, California is bringing all the comedy to TikTok as she shares what she wishes she could say to her customers. Service industry employees who saw her videos couldn't agree more.

The creator named Robin (@imjustrobb), so far, made a two-part series that has racked up millions of views on the app. She goes through different scenarios, as the person recording pretends to be a needy customer, and shares what she really wants to reply.

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Customer service can definitely be different depending on where you live or visit during a trip. If you just moved abroad, interactions with employees at a restaurant, bar, store, or coffee shop can result in a complete culture shock.

Sometimes, the service industry is just so different between countries that people find the comparisons hilarious.

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How much should you tip your server? This is always a question that will get many answers, as tipping culture is very different around the world, and while some agree to leaving a high percentage, others don’t think the same way.

However, servers always appreciate a good tip, and it looks like some of them even have tricks to get a higher amount of money from their customers.

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