ontario stores

Do you love getting free stuff on your birthday? Well, good news! The Ontario stores listed below offer complimentary gifts on your special day every year, and collecting them is a blissfully simple process.

In fact, with a little strategic planning, you could score freebies all day long, especially in tightly packed areas like Toronto where you're never far from a Starbucks or Tim Hortons.

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Raise your hand if you love to treat yourself when it's your birthday. Now, raise the other hand if you love free stuff. Both hands up? That's what we thought.

Here's a little secret you may not know, plenty of retailers in Ontario hand out free gifts to anyone celebrating a birthday, and if you plan it right, you can get free stuff for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not to mention some free goodies to help you pamper yourself!

So if you or someone you know is celebrating a birthday in Ontario, you'll want to check out these stores and restaurants so you can make the most of your day without breaking the bank.

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