jordan belfort nadine caridi

The Wolf of Wall Streetfilm tells the story of a scandalous stockbroker, Jordan Belfort. In it, viewers see a fictionalized depiction of his marriage with ex-wife Nadine Caridi, better known as The Duchess, who is getting real on TikTok about what actually happened.

Caridi, who now goes by Nadine Macaluso, is a therapist, who uses her personal experience to help women in "abusive relationships" according to her TikTok bio. She shared her first impressions of Belfort and there wasn't much to say, except that he was "totally obsessed."

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Nine years after The Wolf Of Wall Street premiered, Jordan Belfort's ex-wife Nadine Caridi, now known as Dr. Nadine Macaluso, is spilling her side of the story on TikTok.

The Wolf currently resides in his Miami home, which he moved to in December 2021 according to the Miami Herald. However, the blonde bombshell stayed between New York and California, and she's using her platform to talk about what was accurate and what was not in Martin Scorsese's film.

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