first date

The perfect first date spot in Toronto is hard to find.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Narcity Media.

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Ghosting is the Irish exit of modern-day dating, and while it is an easy no-fuss way to stop seeing someone – it's not the most mature option.

If you've been living under a rock or just had incredible luck in the dating scene, ghosting is when someone you're romantically involved with just stops answering your calls or texts instead of breaking things off.

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Who should pay on a first date?

If you asked this question in the '50s, I'm sure the resounding answer would be the man should always pay, but the answer isn't so clear in 2023.

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Dating may have changed in the last decade, but class never goes out of style.

Proper etiquette is to be courteous, kind and respectful, but what's appropriate when it comes to dating in a modern world where traditional roles don't matter as much?

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Anyone can have a bad date. However, there are some unbearable moments people can experience when getting to know someone new, and recently a TikToker had to cut short a first date over a bad joke a man told the woman he was meeting, who had just confessed that she had gone through a mastectomy due to breast cancer.

TikTok user Misha (@dontcrossagayman) posted a clip asking straight women how they put up with dating straight men and proceeded to tell the story about how he broke up a first date he witnessed while having some lunch by himself.

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