dating app

Summertime is here, and you know what that means - dating season is buzzing! If you’ve got that itch to meet someone who gives you butterflies, then honey, FRUITZ is the app that’s about to be your new BFF. This little gem is skyrocketing as the ultimate destination for all love seekers. With its game-changing approach, they're shaking things up and making the search for love as thrilling as a rollercoaster ride.

Now, let's spill the tea. This app doesn’t just hand you matches - it equips you with the coolest way to discover your soulmate. Swiping is so yesterday. You communicate your feelings with a fun “fruit”. Picture this: a banana for when you’re feeling a little flirtatious, or a peach when you want to take it easy and keep it breezy. It’s swift, it’s fun, and it’s got that flair! They have your back with moderated chat rooms (so no creeps allowed), comprehensive profiles that give you the deets, and all the invaluable advice from relationship gurus to keep your dating game on point.

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Ghosting is the Irish exit of modern-day dating, and while it is an easy no-fuss way to stop seeing someone – it's not the most mature option.

If you've been living under a rock or just had incredible luck in the dating scene, ghosting is when someone you're romantically involved with just stops answering your calls or texts instead of breaking things off.

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The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Narcity Media.

As anyone who has ever been on a dating app in Canada will tell you, it can be rough out there.

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If you're looking for someone to swipe right on but aren't having any luck with the go-to big three dating apps, it might be time to cast your proverbial net a bit wider!

While there are, of course, numerous success stories from Hinge, Tinder and Bumble, there are quite a few other online dating options out there that might help you find your boo.

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You never know who you'll see when you put yourself out there on dating apps like Hinge, Tinder and Bumble.

One TikToker says she matched with her former landlord when using the Hinge app and agreed to go out with him as long as he paid for the drinks with the security deposit money he never gave back.

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