airline passenger

Idris Elba is sharing some of his airline habits and it sounds like the Luther: The Fallen Sun star breaks a lot of rules when he's up in the air.

Elba revealed his airline etiquette during an interview with ET Canada and his admission includes whether he reclines his seat and how he feels about taking his shoes off during a flight.

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Uncomfortable travel-related situations not only occur inside the airport when tourists lose it over flight delays or cancellations but also when airline passengers look for a seat swap or board the plane only to get kicked out afterward. Recently, a woman was called out by a plus-sized passenger for changing her seat during a long flight.

Reddit user u/throwawayonaplane shared a story in the AITA subreddit about the awkward situation she went through during a flight from Las Vegas to New York.

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A woman, Paige Craig, was on a flight from Orlando to Los Angeles and sat next to a widely famous Latino actor who she didn't recognize. Craig asked her TikTok followers to identify him and due to the number of people tagging him in the comments, he had an incredible response to her video on the app.

"Hi Paige! Let me introduce myself. My name is Eugenio Derbez and I'm basically an actor and director, but sometimes I'm also a valet parking or a billionaire..." he said in a TikTok, as he continued to go down his list of character roles and showed clips of films he was in.

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An airline passenger is going to court to get his money back after complaining that his flight didn't live up to his expectations.

The man from Perth, Australia, paid for a business-class seat on an Emirates flight, but he says the flight he was on was "disgusting" and not what he envisioned.

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From flying with crying babies to passengers being kicked off a plane, tourists can experience all sorts of uncomfortable situations when boarding their flight, and one that airlines don’t save themselves from is the seat swap controversy which is always generating debate among travelers.

Redditor u/dankyou420 shared a story on the AITA subreddit, which was about a recent interaction with two airline passengers who didn’t immediately let him take the middle seat he paid for.

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